n. 弹力全身紧身衣(通常为体操运动员、舞蹈演员所穿,也用作时装)
n a tight-fitting garment of stretchy material that covers the body from the shoulders to the thighs (and may have long sleeves or legs reaching down to the ankles); worn by ballet dancers and acrobats for practice or performance
1. Well, one, I would totally rock a unitard.
首先 我絕對穿得了緊身衣
2. A tougher kid might not have wet his unitard.
3. 'cause I look fantastic in a leather unitard.
4. Which was actually more male acrobats in white unitards.
那个云实际上是更多的男杂技演员 穿着白色紧身衣构造的
5. It is true that my very first video is me dancing in one of my wife's old unitards.
我确实是在第一个视频中 穿着老婆的旧紧身衣在跳舞
6. Had to wear this ridiculous fleshcolored unitard and drape myself over my clas ates, and every parent in the audience laughed at me.
只能穿着一身可笑的肉色紧身衣 挂在我同学的身上 观众席上的所有家长都在笑我