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  • 分类:知识学习
  • 更新时间:2025-01-04
  • 发布时间:2024-12-22 03:06:47

音标: 英 [ajtmә'nu:vә(r)]

vt. 对(敌手)机动制胜, 智胜, 在谋略上胜过(敌人)

v. defeat by more skillful maneuvering


1. I can outmaneuver him for a while, but not forever.

我可以以策略致胜他一时 但不能一世

2. They outmaneuvered and overpowered the rest of your men.

他们斗智斗力 都比你其他人的人强

3. I have yet to meet the man you can't outmaneuver.


4. She believes she's outplayed and outmaneuvered us.

她认为她手段比我们高明 制胜了我们

5. Any confrontation, they'd outdebate me, outthink me and outmaneuver me.

和他们较量 他们会把我辩得哑口无言 考虑得比我周全 用计策操控我

6. You are outmaneuvered, outmanned, and, quite frankly, you're out of your mind.

你们计谋和人数上都不占优势 坦白来说 你现在不太清醒

7. I don't think we could outmaneuver a blast like that if we're that close.

我认为那么大的轰击 我们无法在那么近的距离躲开

8. Hospital lawyers outmaneuvered him, and eventually the case was di issed.

医院的律师使计赢了他 最终案子被撤销了

9. We've been outpaced, outshined, outmaneuvered, out everything by those neohippie genderneutral monsters.

我们被那群新嬉皮 性别不明的怪物们 赶超了 比不过 哪哪都不如

10. At this point of the story each participant in this deal is trying to out art and outmaneuver the other person for their own gain.

事情到了这一步 这场交易的每一个参与者都试图智胜一筹 并且智取他人 来赢取自己的利益

