v. 悉心照料, 娇惯( coddle的过去式和过去分词 )
v treat with excessive indulgence
v cook in nearly boiling water
1. He's like this because you've coddled him.
2. I have to do her work while she gets coddled.
她被大家溺爱着 我却要帮她工作
3. I won't coddle you or patronize you with an apology.
我不会抚慰你 或是屈尊向你道歉的
4. Your problem is all the coddling you're getting.
5. And I shouldn't need to be pushed or coddled.
6. Also, he needs more coddling than you.
另外 他比你更需要悉心呵护
7. Apparently, he thinks I'm a child he has to coddle.
显然 他觉得我是个需要他宠爱的孩子
8. You've been coddled and cared for, pampered and hugged.
你娇生惯养 备受关爱 养尊处优 固执己见
9. I don't need coddling. I can do my job.
我不需要安慰 我能做好我的工作
10. I think we've established she doesn't need coddling.
我覺得我們在不對她有特殊優待 這一點上達成一致了