n. 倾向, 癖性
n. a natural inclination
1. You know, from all that sexual proclivity.
你明白 那么多的性癖好
2. And you're right. I do have a proclivity for blueberries.
你说得没错 我确实很喜欢蓝莓
3. Give in to your proclivity, or fight it.
要么屈服于你的倾向 要么与之抗争
4. Not hot, but extra points for proclivities.
身材不怎么样 但她那些癖好能加点分
5. Even if he's got a proclivity in that direction, which he doesn't.
就算他真有那种癖好 然而他根本没有
6. Or maybe they cut him off when they found out about his proclivities.
也许他们在发现他的特殊癖好后 剥夺了他的继承权
7. AmsterdamI'm telling you, they don't judge a man for his proclivities.
我跟你说 在阿姆斯特丹 人们不会因为你有怪癖就有偏见
8. It's been pointed out to me that I have certain proclivities that need to be adjusted.
有人向我指出 我有些不良倾向 应该做下调整
9. I have the wrong parts and the wrong proclivity for parts.
我不该是个女人 也不该
10. Sexual proclivity is what put us in this position.
确实是因为和谁 的问题才让我们沦落至此