n. 约书亚(>人物), >
n. (Old Testament) Moses' successor who led the Israelites into the Promised Land; best remembered for his destruction of Jericho
n. a book in the Old Testament describing how Joshua led the Israelites into Canaan (the Promised Land) after the death of Moses
1. Joshua, your anger is weighing you down.
约书亚 你的愤怒在拖累你
2. Joshua's in the nursery having his bottle.
3. Joshua was there, and we ended up in a hotel.
乔书亚也在 后来我们就去了宾馆
4. Joshua, my friend. I'm going in there.
乔西亚 我的朋友 我要进去
5. Joshua says it could be a cost of my gift.
6. Joshua said that he saw you with your son.
7. Joshua was just breaking the news to me.
8. Joshua will be damned if we do, but we'll all be damned if we don't.
要是这么做了 约书亚会很生气 可不这么做我们所有人都会于心不安
9. Joshua tracked it to a house nearby.
10. Joshua and he were attached at the hip when they were younger.