a. 有信心的, 有把握的
a. having or marked by confidence or assurance
s. not liable to error in judgment or action
1. You said you were confident. I am confident.
你说你有信心 我确实有
2. If you stand confident, you will be confident.
如果你的站姿充满自信 你自然也会充满自信
3. Well, you do seem confident, and confidence is key.
你确实看起来很自信 而自信很关键
4. You gave me more confidence real confidence than I ever had before that.
您给我的自信 那种真正的自信 是我从未有过的
5. Confidence makes you stupid, and I'm very confident in that opinion.
自信使人愚蠢 這話我可以非常有自信地說
6. If you have lost the confidence of one of us, you've lost the confidence of both of us.
如果你失去了我们一方的信任 你就失去了我们双方的信任
7. But I have great confidence in you, confidence you'll make the right decisions, if you just stay true to yourself.
但我对你很有信心 我相信你会做出正确的选择 只要你诚实地面对自我
8. There's people sleeping all around, and yet they're so confident, so confident, they're undisturbed by, uh, all the humanity that's around them.
人们就在屋里睡觉 可它们却非常自信 周围居住的人类 一点没有干扰它们
9. If I resign, then any scrap of confidence the public is already clinging onto will be destroyed, and we all know a con doesn't work without the confidence.
如果我辞职 公众依赖的 最后一丝信心也将被摧毁 我们都知道 没有信心是骗不了人的
10. I was always quietly confident, but you can never be 100% confident cos there are a million and one things that can go wrong snap a tow rope, shackle fall out.
我一直都很自信 但谁也没有十足的把握 因为上百万个环节 任何一个都可能出错 牵引绳断裂 钩环脱落