n. 臭味, 臭气
vi. 发臭味, 名声臭
vt. 用臭味赶
v. be extremely bad in quality or in one's performance
1. You were right. I stink. I stink more.
你说得对 我很差劲 我更差劲
2. These really stink, they stink like a decomposing corpse.
非常难闻 就像腐烂的死尸似的
3. It stinks and it ells like shit and I can't get the stink out of my nose.
简直臭不可闻 我一直能闻到这股恶臭
4. The more you prolong it, the more they stink.
你下手越慢 他们的臭味就越浓
5. I'll tell you why: because they stink.
我告诉你为什么 因为他们臭死了
6. They couldn't figure out what the stink was.
7. None of this stink is landing on me.
8. No, no, not her, I hate her, she stinks, she's drunk, not her.
不不 别叫她 我讨厌她 她浑身臭烘烘的 还是个醉鬼 不要她
9. And we all know you stink at blackmail.