a. 爆炸了的, 分解的, 被破除的, 被戳穿的
s. showing the parts of something separated but in positions that show their correct relation to one another
1. People's veins explode and their heads explode, and all kinds of other stuff explodes.
人们的血管会破裂头也会炸得血肉横飞 整个身体都会炸得四分五裂
2. These are not kittens, nor do they explode.
这些不是猫 也不会爆炸
3. And then here, he explodes, but not really.
然后在这里 他爆炸了 但实际上不是真的死了
4. They're about to be recalled for exploding.
5. It was exploding and then it dematerialised.
它爆炸了 然后去物质化了
6. But you, you just explode, and it's all over for you.
但你 你就直接爆发 然后抛之脑后了
7. And if not, she'll explode and kill both of you.
如果不行 她会自爆 把你们俩一起解决掉
8. He was there and then it exploded and then he fell.
他就站在那儿 冰突然碎了 然后他就掉下去了
9. If I said that to you, you'd all explode.
如果我这么跟你们说 你们都会炸毛
10. It won't explode if we get there in time.
如果我们及时赶到 那就不会爆炸