n. 基础, 主要成分
[化] 基底
n. the fundamental assumptions from which something is begun or developed or calculated or explained
n. the most important or necessary part of something
1. It's a needtoknow basis, and I don't.
这是相关人士才能知道的事 但我不是
2. Because there was no basis in fact for any of it.
因为其中没有任何 事实依据
3. We're all on a firstname basis here.
4. You and I, we are not yet on an abbreviating basis.
5. But let's keep it on a needtoknow basis.
不过 你还是不需要知道了
6. I haven't heard a legal basis for any of this.
7. And that is the perfect basis for a relationship.
8. On what possible basis? I have no idea.
到底基于何种缘由 我不知道
9. It's the basis of thermodynamics I'm questioning.
10. They know, but it's on a volunteer basis.
他们知道 但这是自愿的