n. 谄媚, 阿谀, 巴结
n. excessive or insincere praise
1. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but flattery doesn't pay residuals, so I'm here for my 10%.
模仿是最真诚的恭维 但恭维不能当钱花 所以我来拿回我的10%
2. Save your flattery, and tell me why you're here.
少拍马屁了 告诉我你来干什么
3. But save your flattery for other female people.
4. That's an occupational hazard, and in your case, it's not flattery.
那是职业严令禁止的 可在对你而言 这不是奉承
5. First of all, nice try on the flattery.
首先 对你的恭维我很受用
6. I thought you only reserve your flattery for the other recruits.
7. But I cannot put my name to beggary and flattery.
8. I voice concern and you offer flattery.
我在担心你 你还来奉承我
9. It's too much politeness, too much flattery.
就是太过礼貌了 太拍马屁了
10. I cannot believe that flattery and dishonesty actually worked.
不敢相信 阿谀奉承和满嘴谎言居然有用