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  • 分类:知识学习
  • 更新时间:2024-12-28
  • 发布时间:2024-12-21 00:29:20


[医] 肢体[部分]切断

n. the removal of limbs; being cut to pieces


1. On the bus, you asked about di emberments.


2. I like your enthusia in the face of di emberment.

快被分尸了还这么有干劲 我喜欢

3. So you got di emberment there's a hatchet murder.

所以就有了分尸 有一个斧子杀人狂

4. ...with the optional death and di emberment plan.


5. And the brutal di emberment of a rotisserie chicken by my mother.

我们也看见我妈 残忍地肢解了一只烤鸡

6. If this were a true duel, there would be glorious di emberment at its conclusion.

如果这是一场真正的决斗 你们将会迎来荣耀的粉碎

7. Well, at the time it was arrested for murder and di emberment of a body.

当时他因杀人分尸 被逮捕了

8. We're just not good at cadaver di emberment, which I feel speaks well for us.

我们只是不擅长分尸 这正说明了我们是好人

9. You want to avoid things involving sensory nerves being flayed, slow di emberment.

要是想避免涉及感官神经 被剥皮 缓慢地被肢解

10. These are the original fairy tales filled with death and di emberment, and there's still a long list of archetypes.

这些是原始的童话故事 充斥着死亡和肢解 而且还有很长一列的原型

