n. 波壮刃短剑(等于creese, 马来西亚和印尼的)
n. a Malayan dagger with a wavy blade
1. kris is having more luck with the camera traps.
2. Never, never, and stop talking about kris.
不行 不行 别再说克丽丝了
3. kris rented this place from me for six years.
4. kris made a guy proud to wear the uniform.
5. kris will see me and recognize me as one of her own with my lips, my boobs, and my willingness to live in some place called calabasas.
克丽丝只要看我一眼 就能认出我是她的孩子 会被我的丰唇 我的 还有我想住进洛杉矶豪宅的决心所打动