n. 墙上乱写乱画的东西
n a rude decoration inscribed on rocks or walls
n a rude decoration inscribed on rocks or walls
1. I thought as much myself until I realized that the graffiti isn't graffiti at all.
我开始也这么想 但后来意识到 这涂鸦并非是胡乱涂鸦
2. Our graffiti unit didn't have his name.
3. Less graffiti about you in the bathroom.
4. No, I can't do any of that. I don't even wanna do the graffiti.
不 我都做不到 我连涂鸦都不想
5. And both vics had graffiti carved in them.
6. And, by the looks of it, he was a graffiti artist.
7. Yeah. I graffitied the es on it.
上面涂鸦的大 是我的作品
8. After the execution, we found more graffiti.
在处决仪式之后 我们发现了更多涂鸦
9. Wait, there, that's the graffiti I was telling you about.
等等 那邊 就是我跟你說過的涂鴉
10. You're not the one with graffiti scribbled all over your body.
你又不是那个全身 被画满涂鸦的人