vt. (使)显得矮小(dwarf的过去式与过去分词形式)
v make appear small by comparison
v check the growth of
1. Everyone who makes a joke about a dwarf's height thinks he's the only person ever to make a joke about a dwarf's height.
拿侏儒的身高开玩笑的人 个个都以为 只有自己想得到那些玩笑
2. Some researchers have argued that floresiensis is just a dwarfed population of modern people that suffered some kind of disease that caused them to both dwarf and have relatively all brains.
ЩоΪ ˹˵һֲ ͵٪֢ͬ ʹDZС ҲʹǵͷԱС
3. And that was before you murdered a dwarf.
4. Unlikely, but it could be a dwarf planet.
不太可能 但可能是矮行星
5. ...that dwarfs any other in human history.
6. I'm like the seven dwarfs of disgusting.
7. He negotiates with a whore and a dwarf at his side.
他在议政的时候要个 和个侏儒在旁边陪着
8. We may be down a dwarf, but we're ready to fight.
我們小矮人雖然少了一個 但我們準備好戰斗了
9. It's lowres, but it's all I could salvage from one of the dwarfs.
清晰度很低 但我只能从迷你机器人里恢复出这些了
10. on a scale to dwarf all historical conflicts.