n. 减少, 缩小, 减低
[医] 减少, 减小
n. the statement of a theme in notes of lesser duration (usually half the length of the original)
1. You are surprisingly strong for your diminutive stature.
你身材小巧 却惊人地强壮
2. That's the sum of £25, not the diminutive horse.
意思是二十五英镑 不是矮种马
3. The secret to super strength is diminutive size.
4. There are times one's diminutive size bears strange fruit.
有时候 一个人身材矮小 倒也有奇怪的好处
5. Tragedy, betrayal, diminutive men led astray by a cunning vixen.
充满悲剧色彩 背叛 一位身材矮小的男人被一名狡猾的尤物引向歧途
6. Yes, yes, I equate the color black with the diminution of the life force.
对 没错 我认为黑色 代表生命的消逝
7. Any new designation or diminutive not on the preapproved list must be cleared with your local health authority in their capacity as this unit's primary user.
任何不在预先核准列表上的称号或昵称 必须经当地健康机构的批准 因为他们是本机的主用户