n. 口红, 唇膏
[机] 口红
n. makeup that is used to color the lips
v. form by tracing with lipstick
v. apply lipstick to
1. And I told you I didn't take your lipstick.
我说了 我没拿你的唇膏
2. That's not the only place I had lipstick, first of all.
首先 我不只脸上有口红
3. You know there's no lipstick in that box.
4. She had this weird lipstick on. It stood out.
她涂的口红特别怪 特别扎眼
5. And you, with your, like, 200 lipsticks.
而你 你那差不多两百支口红
6. I know that was you on the lipstick cam.
7. I don't know what this lipstick is about, but we'll talk about this.
我不知道你这根口红是想干什么 咱们以后再说这件事
8. So, here we have two normal lipsticks.
好的 这里有两只普通的口红
9. Because her big, black lipstick is at home.
10. There were female epithelial cells in the lipstick.