abbr. 新生儿颅内出血(neonatal intracranial hemorrhage)
1. I feel like the number of women in that field is a niche within a niche.
我猜在这个领域中的女性 肯定是少之又少
2. It seems he's cultivated himself a niche.
3. That's a valid issue, but it's very niche, limited to you.
这是靠谱的事 但是很狭隘 仅限于你
4. You're talking about thousands of niche programs out there.
5. You find your ing niche, and you stick to it.
找到适合自己的岗位 然后坚持做下去
6. My niche is sort of rundown spots off the water.
7. Information extraction is a very lucrative niche market.
8. You really have carved out a tiny niche of heaven here.
9. Cocaine's tricky. It's still a niche business.
可卡因很棘手 还是小众生意
10. Well, while I've been gone, you two have carved out quite the niche for yourselves.
我离开的这段时间 你俩真是为自己开拓出一片天地啊