1. I'd say we're looking at a murder one with ritualistic Overtones.
我认为我们面对的是件谋杀案 可能与某种宗教仪式有关
2. I'd call them vivacious, if that didn't carry Overtones of the outdoor life.
我本来会用"活力四射"来形容她们 但这个词的弦外之音代表喜欢户外生活
3. If you look closely, you can catch some sexual Overtones in her work.
如果你仔细观察 你可以在他的作品中发现一些性暗示
4. Forgive the morbid Overtones, but this mortuary was the closest place I could find with the proper supplies.
抱歉有點嚇人 不過停尸間 已經是最近的有設備的場所了
5. A wolf tone? It's when the frequencies of the strings and the body of a cello produces artificial Overtones.
狼音 大提琴的弦和琴体 发出不自然的陪音