n. 生产量, 投资收益
vt. 出产, 给予, 让出, 放弃, 使屈服
vi. 出产, 屈服, 投降, 倒塌
n. an amount of a product
v. be the cause or source of
v. give in, as to influence or pressure
v. bring in
1. I yield. I yield. I do not accept.
我认输 认输好吗 我不接受
2. Control is sometimes about yielding to what is.
3. some thought it possible to yield, but... I did not.
有些人觉得还是可以屈服的 但我认为不行
4. I seek the weapon, and those who would yield it.
我在寻找武器 还有拥有它的人
5. Surveillance has yielded a ton of leads.
6. Once more, the silence yields to sounds of life.
又一次 生命的律动打破了宁寂
7. yield the castle or I cut his throat.
弃城投降 否则我割了他的喉咙
8. If we yield the higher ground, we're screwed.
如果我们失去高地 就完了
9. More hazardous, but could yield spectacular results.
更加危險 但或許能得到很好的結果
10. Because so far, negotiations are yielding results.
因为目前为止 谈判已经初见成效了