a. 愚昧无知的, 未受启发的
a. not enlightened; ignorant
1. In the eyes of the unenlightened world.
在這個 未開化的世界眼里
2. There are church mysteries to which the unenlightened are not privy.
教会的奥妙 愚众是不会懂的
3. These are idiotic, unenlightened times, but I understand.
这个时代真是愚笨未开化 但我能理解
4. For the unenlightened, perhaps you could walk us through this wild speculation.
不好意思 你为什么 作出如此大胆的推测
5. Identity's just a hallucination of the unenlightened mind anyway.
反正身份不过是无知的人们 自欺欺人的幻觉
6. I mean, if you don't feel enslaved, well, you're just dumb and unenlightened.
如果你不觉得被奴役了 那你是愚蠢 不明事理