n. 轻蔑, 怠慢
a. 轻微的, 纤细的, 脆弱的, 苗条的
vt. 轻视, 忽略, 怠慢
v. pay no attention to, disrespect
1. A slight delay in your food. It was more than a slight delay.
稍稍迟了一点 不仅是稍稍迟了一点而已
2. They impart a lovely flavour slightly herbaceous, slightly sweet.
它们会使食物带有 可口的草本香味和清甜味
3. Okay, slight possibility only slight that I was wrong, and you guys are the real deal.
好吧 有一点可能 一点... 我搞错了 你们是真货
4. By this time tomorrow, you'll be a slightly different person and you'll see a slightly different sky.
明天的这个时候 你将变得稍有不同 你也将望着稍有不同的天空
5. A slightly better engine or a slightly better set up that would determine who won the race and he would become world champion.
不是说一个更好的引擎或更好的配置 就决定谁赢得比赛 谁获得世界冠军
6. There, the blood is shown in copper and the bruises on his cheeks are brought out by the slightly different colour of a slightly different bronze alloy.
看这儿 红铜色表示血迹 脸颊上的淤青 颜色也稍有不同 这是由成分略有差别的 青铜合金所呈现出来的
7. So I'm gonna need everyone to work a little bit harder since our overall sales are slightly down, which is ironic since our sales of overalls are slightly up.
我需要大家工作再努力一点点 因为我们的销售总额有点下降 但好笑的是我们的工装裤销量却上升了
8. Made art, distributed it across the palace, wandered out here, passed out asleep, woke up to you, and now feel slightly regretful and slightly ing pleased with myself.
做了画 还散布在了宫廷里 走到了这里 昏睡了过去 醒来看到你 现在有些后悔 也有些得意
9. That is slightly bowelloosening when it does that.
10. So hang on, I'll fry that out slightly.
你继续 我再稍微煎一下