n. 乳突炎
[医] 乳突炎
n. inflammation of the mastoid
1. It is the entry wound in the mastoid made by the murder weapon.
2. Confirming that a hit and tear from the occipital to the mastoid as a possible cause of death.
可以断定 枕骨到乳突处 遭受了撞击和撕扯 这是一种可能的死因
3. It appears there's a fracture on the occipital, and avulsion fractures on the left mastoid process.
枕骨部位显示出一处骨折 左乳突部位也有多处撕脱骨折
4. Males, for example, have the very heavy brow edges above the eyes here, they have big mastoid processes this lop bone right behind your ear.
比如男性 眼睛上方的眉骨 比较突出 他们有很大的乳突 就是耳朵后方下垂的这块骨头