a. 指示的, 表示的, 外延的
a. having the power of explicitly denoting or designating or naming
s. in accordance with fact or the primary meaning of a term
1. But down here, these lines denote the transdimensional demarcation.
但这里的线条 注明了空间的限界
2. The call denoted a possible retroviral outbreak.
3. I think it denotes an inherent order to the universe.
4. Which could denote a recruit trained overseas, yes.
这可能代表他是海外受训的被招募者 是的
5. They're used to denote the grave of a powerful voodoo practitioner.
在以前 它们是用来标记 一个法力强大的巫毒教徒的坟墓
6. The separation of flesh and blood denotes violence in such a manner.
以这种方式分离血肉 意味着暴力
7. You know, I've never been entirely certain what that phrase is supposed to denote.
你知道吗 我从来没有完全明白过 那个词要表达的意思
8. Those dash symbols in between denotes that the number to the right should be multiplied by 1,000.
中间的破折号 表示右边的数字 应该乘上1000
9. That's particular syntax, unique grammatical structure, perhaps denoting a cultural significance.
好特别的语法 好独特的结构 或许有什么文化重要性
10. Anyway, areas where they typically interact have exclamation points, and the numbers denote duration.
总之 这是他们一般互动的区域 都标有感叹号 数字代表时长