adv. 便宜地
r. in a cheap manner
r. with little expenditure of money
1. And they say two can live as cheaply as one.
2. But the other men in your unit, they sure didn't sell their, uh, honor cheaply.
但你小队里的其他人 他们显然没有 贱卖自己的荣誉
3. No longer will we buy cheaply made clothes for extraordinary prices.
我们将不再以 高昂价格买到廉价制作的衣服
4. If you were to have a word with her yourself, persuaded her against selling herself so cheaply, it might go a long way.
如果你能亲自和她谈谈 劝她别廉价出卖自己 可能还能行
5. For the first time in history, people could travel cheaply yet quickly from continent to continent.
有史以来第一次 人们能够方便实惠地 进行洲际飞行
6. They're called junk guns that's the term that law enforcement uses for cheaply made handguns.
它们被称作垃圾枪 这个词被执法部门专门用来 称呼这些做工低劣的手枪