n. 游移不定, 踌躇, 不果断
n indecision in speech or action
n changing location by moving back and forth
1. He's physically stable, but he's vacillating between catatonic and completely freaked out.
身体状况稳定了 但精神高度紧张 极度受惊
2. You begin to vacillate between bein' repelled by touch and seeking it out in any form, even the most negative.
你开始在抵制与探索中徘徊不定 甚至堕落至最阴暗的一面
3. From the beginning of recorded time, there's been this vacillation between the desirability of living in the periphery of the city, and living in the center.
有史记载之初 人们便在两种选择之间摇摆不定 究竟是住城市外围还是居于城市中心