n. 茴芹
[化] 茴香
n. native to Egypt but cultivated widely for its aromatic seeds and the oil from them used medicinally and as a flavoring in cookery
n. liquorice-flavored seeds, used medicinally and in cooking and liquors
1. Uh, I like anise because it's digestive.
我喜欢茴香 因为好消化
2. With the star anise, I just love the two together.
加了八角 我很喜欢将这两样搭一起
3. Add star anise to equal parts water and sugar.
放上一个八角茴香 加入等量的水和糖
4. anise myrtle, also know as ringwood, syzygium anisatum or anetholea anisata.
茴香桃金娘 也称为环木 大叶蒲桃 或茴香香桃木
5. This month's churron flavor is anise, but there is a limit to three churrons per customer, so please maintain decorum.
這個月馬卡龍油條的口味是茴香 每位顧客至多只能購買3根馬卡龍油條 所以請遵守禮節
6. Next, star anise that gives you a really nice sort of aniseed flavour, almost like you're roasting the ribs in fennel.
接下来是八角 能够增添一种美妙的茴香子味道 就像你把猪排跟茴香一起烹饪一样
7. Starting with allspice, anise, basil, chili pepper, cumin, dill, dillseed, dill weed, fennel, garlic flakes, garlic powder, garlic salt, habanero flakes, Italian seasoning, and a big jar of bullshit.
分别是甜胡椒 茴芹 罗勒 红辣椒 小茴香 莳萝 莳萝籽 莳萝叶 茴香 大蒜瓣 大蒜粉 大蒜盐 哈瓦那辣椒段 意大利香料 和一罐垃圾