a. 癫痫的, 癫痫性的
n. 癫痫患者
n. a person who has epilepsy
a. of or relating to or characteristic of epilepsy
1. I don't know if she's epileptic, or it's what she drank.
2. She was epileptic. It's the only thing that makes any sense.
她有癫痫 这是唯一合理的解释
3. He started to have epileptic fits, got invalided out.
他开始癫痫发作 因病而奉命退役
4. An epileptic seizure caused by her not taking her medication.
5. What's going on? It looks like an epileptic fit.
发生什么了 看上去像是癫痫发作
6. From a medical perspective, what occurred on stage was an epileptic seizure.
从医学的角度来看 她在舞台上是癫痫发作
7. Stop flapping around like a bunch of epileptic penguins and take control.
就別再像抽風的企鵝一樣驚慌失措了 控制局面
8. He just didn't appreciate you telling his friends that laser tag can induce epileptic fits.
他只是不喜歡你告訴他的朋友, 激光槍戰容易激發癲癇癥
9. They're being trained to detect the early warning signals for severe allergic reactions, epileptic fits and narcolepsy.
我们训练它们检测早期发病征兆 主要针对严重过敏反应 癫痫和嗜睡症