a. 羽毛长齐的, 快会飞的, 成熟的, 独立的
a. (of birds) having developed feathers or plumage; often used in combination
s. (of an arrow) equipped with feathers
1. For fledging albatross, that's not as simple as you'd think.
对于初学飞行的雏鸟而言 这绝非易事
2. Over half of all fledged dippers never make it.
3. Once fledged, these young will follow their parents for up to a year, learning where to find the salts.
等到羽翼丰满 小鹦鹉将跟随它们的父母 一年的时间 学习寻找到盐份
4. Charlie's hoping that if all goes well for the kingfishers their chicks should fledge in just a couple of weeks.
查理希望 若一切顺利 雏鸟便可在几周后振翅飞翔了
5. I'm a fully fledged member of the defense bar trying to dirty up a homicide victim any way I can.
我是正式的辩护律师了 当然要想方设法抹黑凶杀案被害人
6. I watched him fledge and I've watched him for weeks and weeks, and he gets out and he's nobbled within probably an hourandahalf of getting out of his nest.
几周来 我看着他逐渐长大 他才刚从窝里出来 大概一个半小时就被捕食了
7. You're bright and relatively interesting for a younger person, and may well blossom into a fully fledged human if you can avoid tumbling into the abyss of your own self regard.
你很聪明 作为年轻人来说也比较有趣 只要你别太以自我为中心 就不会吃亏 说不定还能展翅高飞
8. She didn't start any of this, that other female came in and has basically nicked her territory, nicked her nest and nicked her bloke and she's left with, you know, her chicks and when they fledge, she's left with nothing and she'll probably get booted out of her territory.
其实这事不是她挑起的 是别的雌鸟闯进 偷了她的领地 占了她的鸟巢 抢了她的配偶 现在她只剩下她的孩子了 一旦孩子羽翼丰满 她就真的一无所有了 还可能会被赶出她的领地