圣战分子; 圣战的; 跟圣战有关的
a. of or relating to a jihad
1. 23 people with jihadi connections bought phones oror sim cards in your store.
23名有圣戰分子背景的人 在你的店里買過手機或電話卡
2. Next thing you know, he's a terrorist mastermind supplying communications equipment to a jihadi network.
接下來你所知的就是他是恐怖活動的策劃者 為某個圣戰分子網絡提供通訊設備
3. I get word that these rebels are actually secret jihadis planning on turning our weapons against our allies.
我收到消息说这些反叛军 其实是圣战分子伪装的 他们打算用我们的武器对付我们的盟军
4. Kidnaps little girls, sells them to other dirtbags or ships 'em off in bulk to jihadi soldiers in the field.
绑架小女孩 把她们卖给其他的 或是用船把她们整批送给战场上的圣战士兵
5. Say you knew about a jihadi bomb maker with a stockpile of supplies and the knowhow to kill hundreds of people.
比如说你知道一个圣战炸弹制造者 拥有大量的补给 和杀死数百人的方法
6. Couple of dozen heavily armed jihadis could come screaming over that ridge with rocket launchers any minute now.
几十个全副武装的圣战份子 随时都可能带着火箭筒 呼啸着穿过这座山