vt. 虐待, 胡乱处理
v make a mess of, destroy or ruin
v manage badly or incompetently
1. mishandled me like your father mishandled you.
他像你父亲 你一样 我
2. I can't risk the other shifts mishandling it.
3. I was in an altered state, and I mishandled my phone.
我当时状态不好 胡乱地摆弄了手机
4. You have mishandled this case from the beginning, sir.
这案子你从一开始就没有正确处理 先生
5. Lyon beat the case because it was mishandled.
6. It must be very frustrating to have mishandled a case this badly.
把案子办得这么离谱 肯定是很抓狂的
7. A moment of silence for all those poor, mishandled breasts.
让我们为那些可怜的被 的胸部默哀一下
8. The brass now admits that they mishandled this war.
9. The crime scene was hopelessly mishandled by the police.
10. Thank the lieutenant, who grossly mishandled the legal niceties.
你該謝這位副隊長 多虧了他各種糟蹋法律